ECDL2008 Conference Venue

ECDL2008 will take place at the University of Aarhus and the State and University Library.


All tutorials will take place at the State and University Library. Registration will be in the library hall Sunday 14 September from 8.00.

  • Thesauri and ontologies in digital libraries, session - meeting room 1
  • Preserving Websites on a National Scale, with Demonstration in NetarchiveSuite + Installing, Maintaining and Running the NetarchiveSuite software - meeting room on 3'rd floor
  • Preservation Planning with Plato - meeting room 3
  • Doctoral Consortium - meeting room 2


Registration for the conference will be in the Vandrehal next to the Aula. Sessions will take place in the Aula and room Mortensen.

Posters&demo sessions will be in the Vandrehal on Monday 15 September and Tuesday 16 September.


Registration for all workshops will be in the Vandrehal next to the Aula. CLEF participants can register on Wednesday 17 September from 12.30. For workshops on Thursday and Friday the registration desk will be open from 8.00.

  • CLEF - University Aula + Meeting room "Mortensen" and "Hornung" in the Conference Center
  • IWAW - Meeting room 2 in the Conference Center
  • IACH - Meeting room 1 in the Conference Center
  • DLF - Meeting room "Kaffestue 3" in the Conference Center
  • DORSDL - Meeting room 1 at the State and University Library
  • NKOS - Meeting room 1 in the Conference Center
  • VLDL - Meeting room "Kaffestue 3" in the Conference Center
ECDL2008 in Aarhus, Denmark. For contact and more information: