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Accepted demos for ECDL2008 are:

Authors Title
Giuseppe Amato, Franca Debole, Carol Peters, and Pasquale Savino, ISTI-CNR The MultiMatch prototype: Multilingual/Multimedia Search for Cultural Heritage Objects
Bolette Ammitzbøll, Gitte Behrens, Mikkel Kamstrup Erlandsen, Toke Eskildsen, Dorete Bøving Larsen, Hans Lauridsen, Michael Poltorak Nielsen, Jørn Thøgersen, and Mads Villadsen, State and University Library Summa: This is not a Demo
Ceri Binding and Douglas Tudhope, University of Glamorgan Using Terminology Web Services for the Archaeological Domain
José Borbinha, INESC-ID; Gilberto Pedrosa, João Luzio, Hugo Manguinhas, and Bruno Martins, IST DIGMAP: A digital library reusing metadata of old maps and enriching it with geographic information
Hannes Kulovits, Christoph Becker, Michael Kraxner, Florian Motlik, Kevin Stadler, and Andreas Rauber, Vienna University of Technology Plato: A Preservation Planning Tool Integrating Preservation Action Services
Haakon Lund, RSLIS; John Paulin Hansen, IT-University Gaze interaction and access to library collection
Magnus Pfeffer, Mannheim University Library; Kai Eckert and Heiner Stuckenschmidt, University of Mannheim Visual Analysis of Classification Systems and Library Collections
Jan Schnasse, Sebastian Beyl, Elona Chudobkaite, Volker Heydegger, and Manfred Thaller, University at Cologne XCL - The Extensible Characterisation Language - One step towards an automatic evaluation of format conversions

Demo presentations offer researchers a unique opportunity to present late-breaking results, significant work in progress, or research that is best communicated in an interactive or graphical format.

Demos will be displayed during the poster and demo sessions. The poster and demo sessions will allow attendees to have first-hand views of innovative digital library technologies and applications and to talk informally with system developers and researchers.

Important Dates

  • ECDL2008: 14-19 September 2008
  • Demo and Poster session: 15-16 September 2008

Contact address: requests for information should be sent to .

ECDL2008 in Aarhus, Denmark. For contact and more information: